
All-inclusive Restaurant Labor Management Solution

It’s hard to focus on your restaurant and serving up great flavors for your customers when you are elbow deep in time-consuming restaurant labor management processes. From timekeeping and tip reporting to federal requirements and regulations, payroll processing and labor law compliance are two areas of your business where there is no room for error or missed deadlines. Heartland payroll, offered by Evergreen Point of Sale, is your biggest asset yet for payroll that is done accurately, and done on time, every time.

Business Benefits


Streamline processes with web-based timekeeping, documentation, and tax filing.


Automatically identify tips to minimum, tip sign-off, and tip allocation for easy business reporting.


24/7 online access to payroll data protected with bank level security against threats.

Top Features

Whether you’re a single or multi-location, Heartland Payroll is a restaurant labor management solution you can trust, with the features, flexibility, and affordability that’s right for your business.

Customizable: All-inclusive solution that can scale to your needs.

Single Point of Contact: A dedicated specialist working directly with your business supported by an entire team of HR service and payroll professionals.

Web-based Time and Attendance: Easy tracking of timesheets and employee data from anywhere with an internet connection.

Tax Filing and Payments: Automatically process local, state, and federal tax payments.

Easy Reporting: Documentation of your payroll, including cash and charged tips, and IRS record-keeping requirements of the Tax Equity and Fiscal Responsibility Act of 1982 (TEFRA).

Labor Law Compliance: Automatically receive alerts on legal and regulatory labor law changes.

Added Value

Service and Vendor Integrations

Whether you are looking for a turnkey payroll service, or offering a new benefit program, Heartland Payroll provides the superior technology necessary for a robust restaurant labor management solution. Your business will benefit from secure access to implement banking services, insurance programs, and more!

Let’s Talk Today!