This notice was sent out to all Heartland merchants but it applies broadly to ALL merchants that accept credit card transactions in their business.
Merchants that use Dinerware Software for accepting credit card payments must be on Dinerware v3.6.13 or v3.7.3 and above in order to accept the new MasterCard cards starting with a ‘2’. If you’re not sure which version you’re running, you can look at the bottom left corner of the Dinerware login page (PIN Entry). You may also contact support 206-297-1241 and ask them to help you determine if you are running the proper version.
“Dear Valued Customer,
As previously communicated, MasterCard cards are issued with account numbers beginning with a ‘5’. Beginning in 2017, MasterCard cards will also be issued with account numbers beginning with a ‘2’. The cards beginning with a 2 will be processed in the same manner as current MasterCard cards.
MasterCard requires that all point-of-sale systems accepting the current 5 series cards must also be able to accept the cards with the new 2 series number. Our records indicate that you process using a third-party system. Please contact your third-party provider directly to determine if any action is needed to ensure your system is in compliance and can accept the new 2 series cards.
Your failure to accept the new 2 series MasterCard cards after June 30, 2017 may result in non-compliance assessments being passed on to you as well as potential lost revenue associated with not accepting customers¹ cards. The MasterCard fee schedule for non-compliance is:
- Up to $2,500 per occurrence for first 30 days
- Up to $5,000 per occurrence for days 31-60
- Up to $10,000 per occurrence for days 61-90
- Up to $20,000 per occurrence for subsequent violations
If you have any questions, please contact your third-party point-of-sale provider.”