Many of our Dinerware community members are using Valutec for integrated gift card processing through Dinerware. It has recently come to our attention that Valutec sent the following email to our mutual customers:

From: Valutec []
Subject: Security Changes Coming Soon – ACTION MAY BE REQUIRED




Due to forthcoming system security upgrades scheduled to take place in May 2017, we are reaching out to identify merchants who are currently processing via a custom or merchant owned point of sale system.   For those of you who do process on a custom or merchant owned POS, please have your IT contact reach out directly to our  Integrations & Certifications representative Scott King at  in order to determine if upgrades to your processing will be mandated.

*If you are processing gift card transactions through Dinerware to Valutec, please contact us immediately at to discuss your options moving forward. As the messaging from Valutec indicates, and we’ve also verified, there will be a service interruption with the current integration between Dinerware and Valutec some time in May 2017 – the specific date will be dependent on Valutec. The new path to integration will be the Datacap product GiftEPay and will also require external card reader terminals.